The Energy Guardian® Pull Down Ladder Covers
The Key To:
A More Comfortable Home
Better Indoor Air Quality
Reduced Heating and Cooling Costs
Eliminate an overlooked cause of mold and roof damage
A Proven, Lasting Solution- 20 Year Warranty
Named “Best Available Product” – Fine Home Building Magazine
“A Green Product Everyone Should Know About” –
TEG purchase price is higher than most, so, why is it worth it?
The Energy Guardian® Ladder Cover is a complete solution “out of the box” – Protective Barrier, Air Seal, High R-Value.
The patented design of The Energy Guardian® Ladder Cover is the key. Other products provide a one-piece unit when installed. That means that the air seal is based on weather-stripping or gasketing at the attic floor. That is where anyone entering the attic will step on it. The result is that the air seal probably won’t last very long.
By contrast, The Energy Guardian® Ladder Cover contains two components when installed. It is the only product with a separate frame and lid design. The lid fits into the frame creating an air seal caused by the frictionally engaged components. It is far more effective and it will last a long time.
This design leap frogs any other conventionally available method for attic ladder covers. The effectiveness of this air seal was proven using ASTM 283 standards by an independent testing agency. The frame also creates the required protective barrier so you avoid the time and cost to build one.
With all one-piece designed products, the air seal is established at the floor level where it is subject to wear and tear with each trip to the attic. By contrast, our air seal is established where the lid fits into the protective barrier.
Our 20-year warranty tells you that the product is made to provide a complete, effective and durable solution.
To enter the attic, you simply lift up the lid and move it to the side. The lid weighs about the same as a newborn baby. No need to step over a protective barrier. You simply grab the handle on the short section of the frame and remove it so there is no tripping worry. When leaving the attic, you simply put the frame section back and place the lid into the frame. When you do it, you will feel the swoosh sound of the air seal being re-established. No zippers, locking mechanism or other cumbersome devices.
Like any other product, the manufacturer reveals the expected useful life of a given product by the length of its warranty. From that you can determine the amount of money you should save on heating and cooling costs for a given product. For example, say two products save the same amount on heating and cooling costs per year- $100. If the one product only has a two-year warranty, you can reasonably predict a $200 savings over the life of the product. If the other product has a 20-year warranty, the predicted savings is $2,000- That’s a big difference!! Based on both laboratory ASTM E283 testing and field results, we are confident that no other product can even match our annually savings.
All materials used in the production of The Energy Guardian® Pull Down Ladder Cover are made in the USA. All production and packaging is done in our Pennsylvania facility. The founder and principal owner proudly served in the United States Army and earned the coveted Army Parachutist Badge (or commonly referred to as Airborne Wings) and Army Ranger Tab.
Attic Entrance Kit Shopping Checklist
The protective barrier needs to be both effective and durable. It maintains a consistent insulating value around the attic ladder and keeps the unhealthy insulation particles, dust, and other attic debris from entering your living area. It is essential to attain good Indoor Air Quality. Durability of the barrier is so important that it must be made of wood or equivalent material.
The insulating value of your attic ladder can be as low as R-0.3. The rest of your attic is R-38 or higher. That hole in your insulation can reduce the insulating value of your entire attic by 17%. (A 1,000 sq. ft. attic using REScheck UA calculations) The attic is the most important area of your home to insulate. Proper insulation will reduce heating and cooling costs. The lower the insulating value of the product, the longer it will take to recoup the purchase price if ever)
Fiberglass batt insulation loses its insulating value when compressed and it is designed for stationary installation-not something that will be moved. If you purchase a product made with compressible insulation, your insulating value will decrease over time and you won’t save the money you anticipated.
Air sealing solutions vary widely in terms of how well it stops the air flow and how long it can remain effective with use. The amount of money saved on your heating and cooling costs will depend on how well the airflow is reduced or stopped as well as how long the air seal will be effective. Certified Independent testing facilities utilize standard tests to determine the effectiveness of any air sealing product. If a product does not show it has been tested, you are gambling on how well it will work for you. A full air seal:
- Eliminates drafts in winter and hot areas in summer
- Stops the contaminate pathway from the attic
- Reduces heating and cooling costs
- Eliminates a cause of moisture problems, mold and ice damming
The warranty will tell you how long it should remain effective. Like any other product, the manufacturer reveals the expected useful life of a given product by the length of its warranty and the amount of money you should save on heating and cooling costs. Our 20-year warranty is unprecedented in the market today. Our competitors’ products offer no warranty or up to a few years. How long do you want your attic access cover to last?
In addition, based on both laboratory ASTM E283 testing and field results, we are confident that no other product can match our annual savings.
How do I know that these features are essential for the product I purchase?
Residential Building Code and the Department of Energy all require these minimum standards for all work done in residential structures. Since the 2009 edition of the Codes, these standards were made as minimum requirements.
The Department of Energy (DOE) published its Standard Work Specifications (SWS) in 2013 that include the same minimum requirements for attic accesses. These minimum requirements include:
- A wood or equivalent protective barrier
- Insulating value equal to the surrounding area
- Insulation that is prevented from compression
- Durable Air Seal
- Expected Service Life of 20 years (Department of Energy Standard Work Specifications 2013 edition)
Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations- here are some common shortcomings:
- Low insulating value- would you accept that in the rest of your house?
- Untested air seal vs. tested air seal – Most of the competition has never been tested for efficacy. However, like all windows and doors sold today, The Energy Guardian® Covers were ASTM (E283) tested to verify it’s superior air seal.
- Costly hidden upgrades such as the need to replacing fiberglass batt insulation with rigid foam or the need to build the wood or equivalent protective barrier
- Flimsy material that won’t last
- Short or no warranty period