Here's How It Works

Here's the Problem:

Your attic entrance is a pathway for unhealthy, unconditioned air to enter your home. When this air comes in from the attic it brings with it dust, allergens, insulation and other harmful debris into your home. This air from the attic causes poor indoor air quality, drafts (or hot areas in summer) and costs you money in heating and cooling bills.

Why Do The Energy Guardian® Covers Work so Well?

After extensive research into the building science related to the home thermal envelope, the Department of Energy as well as the International Code Council (ICC) published specific requirements for homeowners and contractors to solve the problems of wasted energy, loss of comfort and poor indoor air quality created by attic entrances.

  1. Wood or equivalent Rigid Barrier: this is a must to install around the attic opening to keep insulation, and other harmful debris from entering into the living space.
  2. Covers need insulating values that match the attic: Leaving gaps in your insulation can lead to reductions in overall R-value of the attic. These reductions can be as much as 29% depending on your home.
  3. Air Seal: Equally important to insulation, a tight, durable air seal stops unconditioned air from entering your home helping reduce energy bills. A good air seal also keeps small harmful particles i.e. allergens, insulation from entering the home and reducing the air quality of the home. Here is why the air seal in The Energy Guardian®Covers are the best available:

The Energy Guardian® Covers were named Best Available Product by Fine Home Building Magazine and a Green Product That You Should Know About in The Energy Guardian® Attic Ladder Covers are BPI listed products.

The Energy Guardian® Covers are the choice of home performance experts and homeowners because they meet all of the Department of Energy and Building code standards. Missing any of them can affect the air quality and drastically effect the comfort and energy efficiency of your home. The Energy Guardian® covers also offer a 20-year warranty. This ensures you will receive the benefit of the covers from the moment it is installed and for many years to come.

Please take a look at this video to better understand what The Energy Guardian® Covers can do for your home and family.